This project involved an extensive exploration of a DIY Tech company to identify an inspiring design target. We meticulously progressed from understanding the consumption audience to defining the aspiration audience, ultimately pinpointing the ideal design target. The research then delved into influential figures to shape the brand’s identity and establish its core values and purpose.
Demographic Audit
Competitive Analysis
Mega Trends
Aspirational Audience Interviews
Sub-Culture Analysis
Identifying Aspirations & Tensions
The project started with identifying the larger consumption audience to seeing where the common demographics and psycographic details lie. From that I found a large white space opportunity for a new audience. I conducted interviews with people in that white space audience to find my aspirational audience. Through the interviews I was able to find their aspirations in the industry as well as the tensions that are making them hesitant for deeper engagement.
Through in-depth research of the aspirational audience, I identified my highly inspirational design target: "tech baddies." These individuals, often underrepresented in the tech industry, include women, LGBTQ+ folks, and creators. Tech baddies prioritize community, self-expression, customization, and authenticity, firmly believing that tech should be accessible to everyone.